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23 March, 2011

Program 4: Putting comments in a C program. (taking previous post to explain)

The code:
/* This is the previous addition program(program 3 of 
this blog) but in this I have also shown that how to
place comments in a C program */

    int i,j,k;
    printf("The program to add two numbers.\n");
    printf("Enter first number.\n");
    scanf("%d",&i);                  //taking variable i as input from user

    printf("Enter second number.\n");
    scanf("%d",&j);                  //taking variable i as input from user


    printf("Sum = %d\n",k);

     Up to this point you have already noticed that  there are 2 ways of putting a 'comment' in a C program. First type is a "single line comment"(see the fifth line inside main() ). This type of comment starts with '//'(2 slashes) and continues till the next line starts. The second type of comment is a "multi-line comment". As the name indicates it can have multiple lines. This  'comment' starts with '/*' and ends with '*/' and every thing between these '/*' and '*/' is considered as  'comment'.
    Now some of you might be thinking what is a 'comment'? what is the role of a  'comment' in a C program? Am I right? Let me explain. A 'comment' does not affect the output of the program as it is not read by the 'compiler' (I am assuming that all of you know what a compiler is.) while it is compiling your 'source code'( 'source code' is the C program written by you). It is put in the program for humans. I mean if at a later time you or anyone else study your 'source code' then comments put by you will help him in understanding the program easily. A 'comment' can be put anywhere in the C program. In the following posts I'll be explaining things with the help of 'comments'.

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