The need:
This is a simple program to calculate total salary from basic. This program was given to me as assignment in lab.
The code:
#include<stdio.h> float total_sal(float ); main() { int i,k; char z; struct employee { char name[30],ID[15],Dep[40]; float basic,DA,HRA,total_salary; } emp[10]; printf("Enter the number of employees you want to calculate data for.."); scanf("%d",&k); for(i=0;i--------------------------------------------",i+1); gets (emp[i].name); printf("Enter ID of employee%d\t=>",i+1); gets (emp[i].ID); printf("Enter Department of employee%d\t=>",i+1); gets (emp[i].Dep); printf("Enter Basic-Salary of employee%d\t=>",i+1); scanf("%f",&emp[i].basic); emp[i].DA=0.4*emp[i].basic; emp[i].HRA=0.25*emp[i].basic; emp[i].total_salary=total_sal(emp[i].basic); } for(i=0;i "); puts (emp[i].name); printf("ID\t\t => "); puts (emp[i].ID); printf("Department\t => "); puts (emp[i].Dep); printf("BASIC\t\t => %.2f\n",emp[i].basic); printf("DA\t\t => "); printf("%.2f",emp[i].DA); printf("\nHRA\t\t => "); printf("%.2f",emp[i].HRA); printf("\nTotal Salary\t => "); printf("%.2f\n",emp[i].total_salary); } } float total_sal(float bs) { float da=0.4*bs; float hra=0.25*bs; float total=bs+da+hra; return(total); }
1. This is only a sample program. There may be other allowances and benefits associated depending upon the employee of different types.
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