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07 May, 2011

program 44: The pot riddle

The need:
     The purpose of writing this program was to solve a mathematical riddle which once somebody asked me when I was in 9th class. At that time it took a long time of mine to solve it. Once when I was practicing C I thought that I could write a program that could solve it for me so I wrote this program.The riddle is:
    There are three types of pots available in the market. The costs are as under:
1. one item of Type1 costs 5 bucks.
2. one item of Type2 costs 1 buck.
3. twenty items of Type3 cost 1 buck.
If someone wants to purchase 100 items for 100 bucks what selection of pots should he make?

The code: 
//The pot riddle
    float i,j,k;
       printf("number of type1 pots =>\t%.0f\n",i);
       printf("number of type2 pots =>\t%.0f\n",j);
       printf("number of type3 pots =>\t%.0f\n",k);

The approach: 
The approach used here is a layman's approach. This program starts checking for every possible combination of pots whether the given condition is satisfied or not. This is done with the help of 3 nested loops. The 3 variables i,j,k represent the numbers of type1, type2 and type3 pots respectively. Whenever the the condition is met, the corresponding values of i,j,k get printed on the screen.

There are 2 noticeable points. 
1. The break; statement which has been commented here. If it was not commented, the program would find a solution and exit. The purpose of commenting is to check for more than one solution if existed.
2.  "%.0f"  is used for printing float values instead of "%f". For that, let me tell you, when you print a float number by using "%f", the output number has 6 digits after the decimal point. Here I wanted to tell that we can control the number of places after the decimal point in the output.
if I write  "%.nf" then then the output has n digits after decimal.( replace n with any non negative integer like here I have used 0 because I did not want answer in decimal.)

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